28 December 2012

HM e-petitions - some which are still open.

Her Majesty´s government, in a effort to act more transparently and within the ways of thinking of the voters, has been using the possibility of presenting petitions online to the government. The aim is to give voters the way to express their opinions over a wide variety of issues with the most supported gaining a voice in the House of Commons. This aspect of British democracy is not that widely known or used.

Since this blog is devoted to transport issues in the UK this blogger thought it might prove useful for readers to see some of the petitions which are still open and thus able to be adhered to for those who wish to. Obviously, this list, though extensive, is not comprehensive. I have used the petitions pending, only at the Dept. for Transport and not those which might be found at other offices or departments. The total number of petitions at the DfT is 675 while for the whole government it comes to 6315.

The most successful petition open at the moment is that dealing with the Virgin Trains fiasco, when it was going to be discharged from its duties as a rail franchisee to be replaced by the First Group. As readers will remember this has provoked a scandal at the Department for Transport, leading to the suspension of the proposed change and Virgin Trains remaining the franchisee for the next two years. It can still be signed up to mid February.
Reconsider West Coast Mainline franchise decision.

However, that petition is not the only one dealing with
rail franchises.
Reinstate Virgin Trains WCML

West Coast rail Franchise

Do not renew West Coast's Franchise 

Do not reconsider giving First Group WCML Franchise

Take West Coast line from Branson's Virgin 

Government to pay for West Coast failure

West coast rail line public money 


These do not mean that commentators are not concerned about other franchises
Users of train services to have bigger say over franchise renewals

Introduce public consultation into rail franchising 

Review First Capital Connect's franchise

Abandon rail franchising and hand all existing franchises to state-owned Directly Operated Railways as they expire.

Nationalise the Railways of Britain

Bring back British Railways

nationalise railways

Make public transport state owned across England and Wales

Keep The East Coast Mainline Rail Franchise In Public Ownership

Abandon East Coast Mainline franchise and run the line on an open access basis

Southestern Railway Metro Line Passenger Campaign

London Midland - Should Be Stripped of Contract 

London Midland should face disciplinary action

London Midland Franchise to be Removed 

Strip First Capital Connect of Thameslink Franchise Immediately

Stop Greater Anglia Franchise Renewal

Punish walking away from rail franchises with a ban on bidding for Government contracts

Train opperators who have mismanaged previous franchises should not be able to bid for current trainline franchises.

High Speed Rail link and other rail investment.

HS2 Alternative Route (Bow Group Route)

Introduce HS2 prior to 2033.

No to HSR2 Yes to Superfast Broadband 

Re-build Great Central Railway instead of building HS2

H2O not HS2

Stop HS2 in the Chilterns

If High speed rail (HS2) is built ensure UK trains are used


HS2 to stop at towns on the way to Birmingham

Rail Link £32b HS2 Good Idea but cost will end up £64b as always Govt project are late & cost will double.

17 Billion spent on HR2 would be better spent on Truck Roads and Cycle only lanes

Defence Cuts v. HS2

hs2 heathrow hub ltd

Citizenship Assessment Stop HS2 campaign

A demand fair Compention for Compulsory Orders for HS2

Though not all refer to HS2


Lower Rail Fares: Disband Network Rail and hand all infrastructure to the train companies

Investigate the benefits of Maglev technology


High Speed Rail to North East and Scotland

Time for the Government to take into account the infrastructure problems in South East Essex

More carriages for cross country train service 

Creation of a Eurostar Hub in Leicester

Bring the £9.5 Billion rail investment forward

Electrify the Weston super line as Bristol is just not far enough

Extend the electrification of the Trans Pennine route to Kingston upon Hull

why is the government subsidising rail companies?

Increase the frequency of rail journeys between major cities and surrounding towns. 

The UK Government to stop subsidising the rail link to Scotland if Scotland goes independent.

Most in this section refer to Heathrow and the possibility of an airport in the Thames estuary, though some would castigate certain politicians by building a new airport in their constituencies.

Say NO to the Thames Estuary Airport!
Peak Oil and Airport Expansion

Charges for pick-up and drop-off parking at airports

All faces uncovered at airports, shops and city centres

Restrict the Number of Flights into Heathrow Airport

Stop Heathrow 'Freedom' Trials over Fulham, Putney and Barnes 

Expand Birmingham Airport instead of Heathrow


Build The Severn Barrier and new London Island Airport now

Put in place a strong and long term decision regarding the expansion of London's airport capacity before 2015

Build a new commercial airport in Tim Yeo's constituency

Stop Heathrow Operational Freedoms Trial with immediate effect - all areas

Build a third runway at Heathrow.

A New International Airport between Bristol & Worcester

Estuary Airport at the Hoo

Build the 'Boris Island' airport rather than HS2

London and South East airport expansion.

boring "air traffic"

Thames Estuary Airport - Move west rather than east

The Civil Aviation Authority is not fit for purpose

Build A New International Airport in David Cameron's constituency

Is the Davies Airport Commission fit for purpose, considering it will take two and a half years to deliver their findings?

repealing liquid law on flights

Provide a smoking area at UK Airport

Airport Security Staff should not be employed by the individual airports owners.

Reciprocity in airline/infrastructre takeovers 

What can be done about aircraft noise? Petition for aircraft noise to be classed as a statutory nuisance.

package airline seating arrangements

This section deals with a real pot-pourri of subjects, though most refer to roads and road traffic.
Miscellaneous :

A1(M) upgrade.

Project Alexander: dual the A1 from Morpeth to Berwick

Stop the proposed destruction of the world's first passenger railway line in Manchester by Network Rail's Ordsall link aaand alternatives be found.

save manchester mayfield station

Reduce The Driving Age To 16

Fuel Cost in Rural Areas Needs Discounting

NO to London formula one proposal

Use this recession (spare construction capacity, lower costs) to build new motorway between London and Cornwall

Amended Action on the M62 Managed Motorway Plan


Remove seven bridge toll

Scrap the Severn bridge toll charge

The Future of Tolls on the Severn River Crossings 


Improve transport links within Falklands. 

Implementation of a completely driverless system for the London Underground

forces travel

British Armed Forces Free Transport

Add a junction to the M4 between 2 and 3 (near Chiswick roundabout)

Use this recession (lower costs, spare construction capacity) period to build new motorway to fill obvious gaps and complete the existing network.

A5 Hockliffe Bypass

The State Of Rail Travel In Lincolnshire

Trains should have adequate seating for 2nd class passengers

Surrey Bus Services within M25

Save Mersey Ferries

re openkildwick and crosshills railway station

Bus Passes That Work Across The UK

Somerset & Dorset railway

Timetable fast South West Train services from Ascot to London Waterloo and vice versa.

Raise the speed limit on the M6 toll to 80mph

Ban private cars from UK roads 

Preventing disruption to train services due to weather

Increase Speedlimits on British Motorways to 100Mph

M64 - Stoke on Trent to Leciester. Congestion in stoke is ridiculous, as a result of cars clogging the streets, please help my city, please help me.

Create a motorway link from M54 to Welshpool

A40 between Oxford and Witney

Trains inspections and money devolution for delays and poor service in the national trains

A12 improvements London to Ipswich

Improving the Ipswich stretch of the A14

Dartford River Crossing - tolls on northbound carriageway only 

Improve Traffic Flow At Dartford Toll Crossing

Replace tolls at dartford crossing with congestion tax style technology

Scrap the Dartford crossing tolls

Stop the Toll increse of 50p in October 2012 & 2014 for the Dartford Crossing Kent & Essex

Rename Dartford Crossing the Dick Turpin Way

ban new toll roads

No tolls at Blackwall tunnel

New River Crossing between Essex/Kent

Petition for an extra train carriage on the Tarka Line (from Barnstaple to Exeter and vice versa)

Later running trains and tube

Search and Rescue Helicopter for N.Ireland

Do not nationalise Search and Rescue

Scrap Budget Airlines' hidden charges

Lack of transport in rural communities

Make public transport state owned across England and Wales

Re-Nationalisation of London Buses

End aviation subsidy

Campaign against short hop air travel 

Re-open the disused Wisbech &  March Railway line

Reinstate the Lewes - Uckfield Rail Link

Reconnect the Pickering to Malton Rail Link

Preservation & Reopening of the Llangollen to Ruabon Railway 

Introduce a half hourly Wrexham Bidston rail service

Stop Thameslink/Wimbledon loop terminating at Blackfriars

Protect Disused railway track beds from development

Save Preston Bus Station

Stop Preston City Council Demolition of Bus Station

Change the definition of an 'on time' train

As can be seen there are many petitions pertaining to the same subject. This is despite the website insisting you look for another petition on the same subject before you submit one.

For me it just goes to show how a government can deluge us with lots of information about a subject which we end up not reading in case we have an opinion about it. Thus its effectiveness as a democratic tool is reduced..

However, I still consider this to be a positive way of voicing opinions, and can be used much more in the future.

Please note that you can sign more than one petition if you are so inclined - even if the subject is the same.